Implementation Plan : Program ACCESS INNOVATION (PAI) : Increasing capacities for economic and social growth through innovation [VOLUNTARY COOPERATION PROGRAM (2015-2020)]
Women’s Economic Empowerment : a CESO Perspective
Promoting gender equality and empowerment of women and girl
Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Key messages
Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Summary report
Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Full report
The African gender and development index-Technical note
Women’s economic empowerment-Boosting female entrepreneurship in Africa
Improving access to finance for the empowerment of rural women in North Africa- Good practices and lessons learned
Report on the Sustainable Development Goals for North Africa
Gender guidelines Water supply and sanitation supplement to the guide to gender and development
Measuring gender-transformative change, A review of literature and promising practices
Lebanon’s response to the agenda set for periodic reporting, pursuant to article 18 of CEDAW
Women, work and family in the Arab region: Toward economic citizenship
Feminist Transformative Leadership, A learning experience with peasant and gatherer women in Brazil
Gender analysis report, Sahrawi Refugees, Tindouf Algeria
Making Feminist Leadership Transformative and Sustainable, a life-long journey