The report "Arab Women and the 2030 Strategy for Sustainable Development in the Local Media" raises new problems and questions imposed by the challenges experienced by the Arab world at a different stage of its history at the political, economic, cultural and social levels, in whi...
Depuis 2011, le Centre de la Femme Arabe de Formation et de Recherche (CAWTAR) oeuvre, à travers différents projets qu’il réalise à l’échelle régionale des pays arabes ou à l’échelle nationale, à l’approfondiss...
This publication presents the following key components of the CAWTAR programme, Gender Equality in the 2030Agenda for Sustainable Development:
This report presents the outcome of a study launched by the Center of Arab Women for training and research (CAWTAR) and Oxfam on the obstacles and opportunities for women to participate in civic and political life in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, specifically in...
This publication presents the following key components of the CAWTAR programme, Gender Equality in the 2030Agenda for Sustainable Development:
Cette boite à outil a été réalisée par des jeunes participant-es dans le cadre d’une série de sessions de formation financée par le programme Southmed WIA (Women in Audiovisual in the Southern Mediterranean) et l’Union e...
The center of Arab Women Training and research/Cawtar and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency/Sida signed an agreement related to economic empowerment of women with focus on their participation to and presence in trade markets at national, regional and interna...
Women’s Studies developed as a discipline at the universities in all the five Nordic countries during the 1970s and 80s.
Following the strong second wave of feminist mobilization in this period, the pressure for the development of scientific teaching...